("open covering") there exists a finite subfamily (UA)AeH (H c L and finite)
which is a covering ofE.

A metric space E is called precompact if it satisfies the following condi-
tion: for any s >
0, there is a finite covering ofE by sets of diameter < s. This
is immediately equivalent to the following property: for any s > 0, there is a
finite subset ¥ofE such that d(x,
F) < e/or every xeE.

In the theory of metric spaces, these notions are a substitute for the notion
of "finiteness" in pure set theory; they express that the metric space is, so
to speak, " approximately finite." Note that, from the definition, it follows
that compactness is a topological notion, but precompactness is not (see
remark after (3.17.6)),

(3.16.1) For a metric space E, the following three conditions are equivalent:
(a) E is compact;
(b) any infinite sequence in E has at least a cluster value;
(c) E fs precompact and complete.
(a) =>(b): Let (xn) be an infinite sequence in the compact space E, and
let Frt be the closure of the set {xn, xn+l,..., xn+p,...}. We prove there is a
point belonging to all Fn. Otherwise, the open sets UM = E - Fw would form a
covering of E, hence there would exist a finite number of them, Unj5..., Urtk
forming a covering of E; this would mean that Fni n Fn2 n • - • n Fnk = 0;
but this is absurd, since if n is greater than m&x(niy..., %), Fn (which is not
empty by definition) is contained in all the Fnj (1 ^ / < k). Hence the inter-

section f) Fn contains at least a point a. By (3.13.11) and the definition of a
cluster point, a is a cluster value of (xn).
(b)=>(c): First any Cauchy sequence in E has a cluster value, hence is
convergent by (3.14.2), and therefore E is complete. Suppose E were not
precompact, i.e. there exists a number a > 0 such that E has no finite covering
by balls of radius oc. Then we can define by induction a sequence (XM) in the
following way: x1 is an arbitrary point of E; supposing that
d(xi9 Xj) > a for i ^/, 1 < i < /i - 1, 1 < y < w •- 1, the union of the balls of
center xt (1 < i ^ n - 1) and radius a is not the whole space, hence there is
xn such that d(xt 9xn)^a for z < n. The sequence (xn) cannot have a cluster
value, for if a were such a value, there would be a subsequence (xnk) converging
to a, hence we would have d(a, xni) < a/2 for k ^ kQ, and therefore
rf(*»h^xnk}<^foTh^kQ,k^kQ,h^k} contrary to the definition of (*„).

(c) => (a): Suppose we have an open covering (UA)A e L of E such that no
finite subfamily is a covering ofE. We define by induction a sequence (Bw) of